Most states require drivers to have car insurance. So, if you own a car, you’ll need to have car insurance. Whether you’re buying a car or switching car insurance policies, there are several types of car insurance that you may be considering.
Liability-only car insurance is a common type of policy that car owners opt for when they want a low-cost policy that complies with car insurance laws. At Worthington Carroll Agency, servicing Port Jervis, NY, we can help you find the right policy for your needs.
Defining Liability Only Insurance
Liability-only car insurance is a type of car insurance policy that only pays to repair or replace the other driver’s vehicle in the event that you cause a collision. It is the most basic type of insurance that car owners can have. Liability-only car insurance complies with laws and helps protect other drivers on the road, but it does not pay to repair or replace your vehicle if something happens to it.
Comparing Liability Only Insurance with Other Types of Insurance
Many other types of car insurance will pay to repair or replace your vehicle under certain circumstances. For example, comprehensive coverage will pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it is damaged or lost in certain events, such as car theft or fire. Collision insurance will pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it is damaged in a collision – even if you caused the collision.
Need Auto Insurance Coverage? Contact Us Today
If you need liability-only car insurance or another type of car insurance, the professionals at Worthington Carroll Agency, serving Port Jervis, NY, can help. We work with many carriers to help our customers find the right policies for their needs.